JS code editor (22121902)
Blog Post
/* Welcome to the Code Everywhere JavaScript Editor 1- Code will auto run when you finish typing. 2- This editor is completely private, your code gets saved to sessionStorage, and no code is sent to the server. 3- Use "cmd + forward slash" to un/comment code. 4- You can share code using the "ShareLink" button, all data will be encoded into the URL. 5- There are bugs, this was done in a weekend. GitHub: https://github.com/codeeverywhereca/codeeditor Find this useful? Support this project by sending some coin BTC 19u6CWTxH4cH9V2yTfAemA7gmmh7rANgiv */ // Use console.log to see output .. console.log('Hello World!') // Use #html-stage to add DOM elements .. document.getElementById('html-stage').innerHTML= `
Hello World!
` // for(..){ } / while(..){ } loops are limited to 1000 to prevent infinite loop crashing .. for(var x=0; x<1001; x++) { } // Function example .. function fizzBuzz(){ console.log('FizzBuzz fn()') for(let x=1; x<=50; x++){ if(x%3==0) console.log('Fizz') else if(x%5==0) console.log('Buzz') else console.log(x) } } fizzBuzz()
div id "html-stage"